Personal Social and Emotional Development Circle Time World Book Day– who are you dressed up as? What is your favourite story? Express preferences and decisions Show ’effortful control’-waiting for their turn | Communication and Language Focus language: Made up words from the focus story- Loobular Lake, Humplety Hill, Wurpular Wood, trockles, jellyful, squoon, Planet Vumjum Use a wider range of vocabulary. Learn new vocabulary Answer questions about stories Listen to simple stories and understand what is happening with the help of the pictures Understand simple questions about ‘who’, ‘what’ ‘where’ and ‘why?’ | Physical Development Fizzy Totz Gain control of their whole body through practise of large movements Fine motor control- Building rockets with different construction materials Cutting out shapes for aliens and rockets Drawing aliens using crayons and pencils Use one-handed tools and equipment. Show a preference for a dominant hand Use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pencils/pens | Literacy Focus story: The Smeds and the Smoos, The Planets (non-fiction) Sharing our favourite stories Enjoy sharing books with an adult Repeat words and phrases from familiar stories Ask questions about the book. Make comments and share their own ideas Looking at the letter ‘S’ Can you draw and ‘s’ in the sand, on paper, outside with the chalk? Can you think of some words that start with the letter sound ‘s’-Smeds, Smoos, sun, snake… Develop their phonological awareness so that they can recognise with the same initial sound Write some letters accurately | |
Outdoor Focus: Building rockets outside using natural and man made objects Using big chalks to draw aliens Painting with red and blue on the big canvas- what new colour have we made? Give meaning to marks Explore paint and colour Explore different materials freely | Mathematics Use different shapes, 2D and 3D, to make a rocket and 2D shapes to make an alien Build with a range of resources Talk about and explore 2D and 3D shapes Select shapes appropriately Name 2D and 3D shapes Hidden jewels in the sand How many jewels can you find? Can you count them? Who has got the most? Compare amounts, saying lots, more or the same Say one number for each item in order Know that the last number reached when counting tells you how many there are in total | |