Welcome back to Pre-school and I wish you all a very happy 2023. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Can I just take this opportunity to thank you for the lovely gifts we got from the children at the end of term. They are always very much appreciated.
I would like to welcome all our new starters and their families to Pre-school this term.
Focus for this half term: As well as looking at all aspects of the winter season, including exploring real snow and ice if we get any, we will also be learning all about different sort of Polar animals. As January progresses, we will also be learning about different kinds of birds over the next few weeks, and we will once again be joining in with the RSPB great garden birdwatch at the end of this month. We will use our binoculars to look closely at birds on the school field, count them and record what we see on our bird watching charts. Your child will also be bringing home their own bird watching sheets so they can record what they see at home or in the park. Our maths focus will be counting out loud and the children will be taking it in turns to count the friends on their table at snack time and then collecting the right number of cups and plates for them all. We will also be counting lots of birds on our school field- usually seagulls! Our literacy focus will be based around the stories Penguin Pete, Robin’s Winter Song, Jack Frost and Polar Bear, Polar Bear, what can you Hear? We will also be sharing non- fiction books about Polar regions and their animals.
Packed Lunches & Allergies: As we now do have a member of our setting who has a peanut allergy can you please ensure that there are no products containing peanuts in your child’s lunchbox.
Sickness: Can we remind you that if your child develops a temperature or new continuous cough, you need to keep them at home for at least 48 hours and certainly until the temperature has gone. If you child develops sickness or diarrhoea, then please keep them at home until 48 hours after the last symptom.
Labelling: Could we ask that all clothes that your child might remove, particularly uniform cardigans, sweatshirts, hats and coats are named. Could you also ensure packed lunch boxes, any containers within them and drinks bottles are also named. Thank you.
Outdoor resources: We are collecting lots of loose part resources that the children can use to build with outdoors. These can include small logs, bricks and short pieces of guttering, for example. If any of you have access to any of this type of resource that you could bring in for us that would be great. We are also wanting large pieces of tarpaulin, preferably in white or grey, that we can use for the children to paint on outside.
Weather: Could you please make sure that your child brings a warm coat, hat and gloves to Pre-school. We do try and get outside in all weathers!
School starters September 2023: If your child is due to start primary school this September, please ensure you have applied for their place at your chosen school.Go online at www.cheshireeast.gov.uk/schooladmissions to apply. If you do not have web access call 0300 123 5012 for more information.
Caroline Bickerton Pre-school Manager