Personal Social and Emotional Development Role Play Shop Begin to show ‘effortful control’- waiting for their turn Play with one or more children, extending and elaborating play ideas | Communication and Language Focus language: Penguin, Polar Bear, Arctic, Antarctic, hibernation, black, white Use a wider range of vocabulary Learn new vocabulary Answer questions about the story Listen to simple stories and understand what is happening with the help of the pictures Understand simple questions about ‘who’, ‘what’ ‘where’ and ‘why?’ Looking at photographs in a Polar Bear story- what is the Polar Bear Doing? Recognise and point to things in the photographs when asked to Learn new vocabulary | Physical Development Fizzy Totz Gain control of their whole body through practise of large movements Pencil control- Making marks on penguin templates and following penguin patterns Scissor control Cutting out shapes to make a penguin Use one-handed tools and equipment Show a preference for a dominant hand Use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pencils/pens | Literacy Focus stories: Polar Bear, Polar Bear What do you see? Penguin Pete. Enjoy sharing books with an adult Repeat words and phrases from familiar stories Ask questions about the book. Make comments and share their own ideas | |
Expressive Arts and Design Hibernation song Penguin song Polar Bear and Penguin counting Rhymes Join in with songs Enjoy and take part in action songs Use different materials & textures to make an icy collage- silver, white, blue Join different materials Use their imagination as they consider what they can do with different materials | Understanding the World Cold climate animals- can we name some animals that live in snowy areas? How do they keep warm? What colours are they? Can we find Antarctica and The Arctic on our map? Hibernation- which animals go to sleep during the winter? Know that there are different countries in the world and can talk about differences they have seen in photos | |