Personal Social and Emotional Development New starters settling in Find ways of making transitions from their parent to their key person Small and large group early phonics sessions Begin to show ‘effortful control’ –waiting for their turn, for example Show more confidence in adult led activities- talking to their friends and teachers in a small group situation | Communication and Language Focus language: ladybird, hog, left, right, goose, whispered, animal noises- hiss, purr, oink, moo, neigh Use a wider range of vocabulary Learn new vocabulary Listen to simple stories and understand what is happening with the help of the pictures Understand simple questions about ‘who’, ‘what’ ‘where’ and ‘why?’ | Physical Development Fizzy Totz & Music and Movement Gain control of their whole body through practise of large movements Pencil control- Draw a ladybird Mini-beast colouring Scissor Control- cutting out pictures to stick on a map of a farm Use one-handed tools and equipment Show a preference for a dominant hand Use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pencils/pens | Literacy Focus stories: What the Lady Bird Heard, What the Ladybird Heard Next Enjoy sharing books with an adult Repeat words and phrases from familiar stories Ask questions about the book. Make comments and share their own ideas Spot and suggest rhymes Phonics games- ‘Let’s shake’ Making simple sound shakers with different materials and listening to and describing the different sounds Tune in and pay attention Copy rhythms and tempo Learning a selection of sounds written with one letter- ‘s’ & ‘a’ for example Read letters by saying the sound for them Write some letters accurately | |
Outdoor Focus: Mini-beast hunts and planting seeds Explore natural materials outside Talk about what they see Plant seeds and care for growing plants | Mathematics Ladybird number matching- matching numerals to the number of spots on a selection of ladybird pictures Know that the last number reached when counting tells you how many there are in total Develop fast recognition of up to three objects without having to count them Link numerals and amounts Putting spots onto a ladybird- how many spots has your ladybird got on it? Who has the most spots on their ladybird? Says one number for each item in order-1,2,3,4,5 Compare quantity using language like ‘more than’ ‘fewer’ ‘most’ ‘less than.’ | |
Expressive Arts and Design Mini-beast song Join in with songs/Enjoy and take part in action songs/Remember and sing entire songs Finger paint spots onto a ladybird template Explore paint using fingers Paper plate ladybirds Explore colour Make simple models, join different materials Making sound shakers (phonics) Show attention to sounds Explore a range of sound makers Listen with increased attention to sounds | Understanding the World Mini-beast hunts and planting seeds in our new outdoor planters Explore natural materials indoors and outdoors Use all their senses in a hands on exploration of natural materials Talk about what they see Understand the key features of the life cycle of a plant | |