Registered Charity No: 1023849
Newsletter January 2022
Welcome back to Pre-school and I wish you all a very happy 2022. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. Can I just take this opportunity to thank you for the lovely gifts we got from the children at the end of term. They are always very much appreciated.
I would like to welcome Grace, Jacob, Ivy Rose and Freddie to Pre-school this term.
Focus for this half term: As well as looking at all aspects of the winter season, including exploring real snow if we get some, we will also be learning all about different kinds of transport, linking focus stories to them. Our first focus story will be ‘The Naughty Bus’ and we will be taking part in lots of activities linked to this book, including building a city from blocks for the bus to travel through and exploring baked beans!
We will once again be joining in with the RSPB great garden birdwatch at the end of January. We will use our binoculars to look closely at birds on the school field, count them and record what we see on our bird watching charts. Your child will also be bringing home their own bird watching sheets so they can record what they see at home or in the park.
Weather: Could you please make sure that your child brings a warm coat, hat and gloves to Pre-school. We do try and get outside in all weathers!
School starters September 2022: If your child is due to start primary school this September please ensure you have applied for their place at your chosen school.Go online at to apply. If you do not have web access call 0300 123 5012 for more information.
A few reminders: Sadly, children still need to be dropped off at the door and could you please stay behind the blue line so we can maintain social distancing as best we can. Could you please wear a face covering at drop off and pick up times. The area where you have to wait outside Pre-school is not huge and this protects fellow parents, their children and the staff.
Covid 19:If your child develops a temperature, runny nose, upset stomach or a new cough they must be kept off Pre-school for 48 hours and then if symptoms continue please get them a PCR test before they return. If a member of your family tests positive please also keep your child at home for 5 days and then get them PCR tested on the 5th day before they come back into to Pre-school. If your child tests positive for covid please keep them at home for 7 full days from the day after they test positive (day 8.) At this point they can return to re-school if they have 2 negative lateral flow tests on days 7 & 8 taken at home at least 24 hours apart. If you do not want to undertake a test on your child then please keep them at home for 10 days after the day they test positive. Guidance form the local authority that we adhere to is updated constantly so we will keep you informed if regulations relax or become any more stringent. Please remember to send your child in with an extra jumper as we will continue to keep the building well ventilated. On a more positive note, we intend to return to offering the children access to all our resources, including sand and playdough- always firm favourites!
I would just like to emphasise that during this continuing period of uncertainty, if at any time you wish to talk to one of us about your child we are always available and we can arrange suitable times for you to come in for a chat. If your child is a new starter you can come with them into Pre-school initially if you think they will need that support to settle in. If you do wish to come in can you ensure that you wear a face mask and take a lateral flow test on the morning of the visit.
Caroline Bickerton Pre-school Manager