Personal Social and Emotional Development Small and large group early phonics sessions and listening/language games- Begin to show ‘effortful control’ –waiting for their turn, for example Show more confidence in adult led activities- talking to their friends and teachers in a small group situation Pre-school trip for the older children Show more confidence in new social situations | Communication and Language Focus Language: Billy Goat, Nanny goat, kid, troll, bridge, meadow Use a wider range of vocabulary Learn new vocabulary Listen to simple stories and understand what is happening with the help of the pictures Understand simple questions about ‘who’, ‘what’ ‘where’ and ‘why?’ | Physical Development Fizzy Totz & Music and Movement Gain control of their whole body through practise of large movements Pencil/Scissor control- Story colouring, cutting out different sized goats Use one-handed tools and equipment Show a preference for a dominant hand Use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pencils/pens | Literacy Focus stories: The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The very Greedy Goat Enjoy sharing books with an adult Repeat words and phrases from familiar stories Ask questions about the book. Make comments and share their own ideas Spot and suggest rhymes Recognise words with the same initial sound Phonics games- Tune in and pay attention Learning a selection of sounds written with one letter- ‘s’ & ‘a’ for example Read letters by saying the sound for them Write some letters accurately Recognise some words with the same initial sound | |
Outdoor focus Water play- using water in the mud kitchen, adding natural resources like leaves and grass to their mixtures, moving water in different containers, using large paint brushes and water. Use large muscle movements to make marks with paintbrushes Choose the right resources to carry out their plan Explore different forces | Mathematics Number bridges (1-10) Say one number name for each number in order Recite numbers past 5 Recognise numerals Using 3D shapes to make bridges What shape would work best? An arch or a cube? Build with a range of resources Talk about and explore 3D shapes Select shapes appropriately Combine shapes to make new ones | |
Expressive Arts and Design Making bridges with different construction resources Join different materials Make imaginative small worlds with blocks; make simple models Songs: Number 9, Penguin song Join in with songs and rhymes Explore different materials Explore colour and paint Painting trolls-what will your troll look like? What colour? How many teeth? Make marks intentionally Express ideas through mark making | Understanding the World Learning about goats and their young. What do they eat? What sound do they make? Find out about the natural world, understand the life cycle of an animal, understand the need to care for all living things Gruff farm visit Explore and respond to different natural phenomena on trips Use all their senses on hands on exploration | |