Personal Social and Emotional Development Circle/ Small group – Listening games Express preferences and decisions Show ’effortful control’-waiting for their turn. | Communication and Language Focus language: King, Queen, palace, crown, throne, golden carriage, London, Westminster Abbey Use a wider range of vocabulary. Learn new vocabulary Answer questions about stories Listen to simple stories and understand what is happening with the help of the pictures Understand simple questions about ‘who’, ‘what’ ‘where’ and ‘why?’ | Physical Development Fizzy Totz Gain control of their whole body through practise of large movements Fine motor control- Using pencils and felt tips to decorate crowns and flags Select sticky jewels and peel them off backing to decorate crowns. Use one-handed tools and equipment. Show a preference for a dominant hand Use a comfortable grip with good control when holding pencils/pens | Literacy Focus stories: Tony Ross Princess stories. Sharing our favourite stories Enjoy sharing books with an adult Repeat words and phrases from familiar stories Ask questions about the book. Make comments and share their own ideas | |
The King’s Coronation Week beginning 30/4/23 | |
Outdoor Focus: Building with large sticks Using different materials to weave with Use all their senses in hands on exploration of natural materials | Mathematics Thread red, white and blue cotton reels Notice patterns Can you make a repeating pattern? Extend and create ABAB patterns- red/blue/ red/blue/ red, blue, white… Can you make a palace out of small blocks? Build with a range of resources Select shapes appropriately- Flat surfaces for building, triangular prism for a roof | |
Expressive Arts and Design Songs & Rhymes– Sing a Song of Sixpence, Old King Cole Songs- Enjoy and take part in action songs Remember and sing entire songs Use musical instruments as we wear our crowns and act out a parade King Charles III collage Use different textures & shades of blue Explore colour Join different materials and explore different textures Make a crown Use their imagination as they consider what they can do with different materials | Understanding the World The King and Queen, London What will the King sit on? What will he wear on his head? The Golden Carriage- how old is it? Celebrate significant events Talk about the differences they have seen in photos | |