Registered Charity No: 1023849
Newsletter June 2022
Welcome back to Pre-school. I hope you all had a lovely half term break.
I would like to welcome Shirin, Oscar and Elijah to Pre-school this term.
Focus: We will be expecting delivery of our live caterpillars this week and we will be closely observing them as they grow, turn into cocoons and emerge as butterflies. Our focus story will be The Very Hungry Caterpillar and we will be doing lots of activities linked to this story. After this topic we will be focusing on the stories of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and Our House is a Squash and a Squeeze. This will link into our farm theme, leading up to the older children’s visit to Gruff outdoor learning centre in July. The weekly plans, sent out via email, will describe our activities in more detail. Please note that the plans only cover our focused activities that children will access at their own level. Continuous provision like construction, small world play, sand, water, mark making, and painting are also available to the children every day but are not necessarily mentioned in the planning.
Photographer: Dawn, our photographer will be in Pre-school on Friday 10th June to take leavers photographs as well as any other children who attend Pre-school that you would like to have included. If your child does not normally attend on a Friday and you would like them photographed, could you please bring them in for 9 am and we will get their pictures taken first.
Transition visits: If your child is going to Bollinbrook Primary School in September then you should have already received details of their visits to the reception class, forest school session and Teddy Bear’s Picnic. If your child is in Pre-school on the day of any of these events, we can take and/or collect them if you would like us too. Alternatively, you can bring them into Pre-school after their session or pick them up before it and then return them to us. If you do wish us to take and/or collect your child from any of the transition events, please can you let me know.
If your child is going to a different primary school, I will contact each of these and invite their reception class teachers in for a visit to meet your children in their familiar setting. We will also have a look at the school websites with your children so we can talk about their new school with them.
Oxford Reading Tree books: The older children are going to be bringing home from our library an early reading book to share with you each week. These books support our work on phonics and letter recognition so please look at the stories together, asking your child about what is happening on each page and look at the simple games at the end of each book.
Leavers Day: All children leaving to go to primary school this year are invited to our leaver’s celebrations on Wednesday 20th July. We will be holding a Sport’s Day session from 9.15 until 10, run by our Fizzy Totz coach Aaron, which parents are welcome to come and watch. We will then have a special snack before a leaver’s presentation ceremony and again, parents are invited to stay for these. If you wish to take your child home after these celebrations, at approximately 11am, that would be fine, but we are remaining open for the day if you would like your child to stay.
AGM: We will be holding our AGM on Tuesday 14th June at 7.30 in Pre-school. Please come along to this if you can and find more about how Pre-school is run and how you can support it. Without the parent led committee that oversees the Pre-school we could not operate, and we do need two or three new members this year who have children in pre-school currently or, if your child is leaving in July, you have younger children due to come to us. If you would like to know more about the committee roles, please just ask and I can talk it through with you.
Website: Just a reminder that our newsletters and weekly planning are put on our website
Dates for the diary:
Photographer: Friday 10th July
AGM: Tuesday 14th June 7.30 pm in Pre-school
Tuesday 19th July: Pre-school closes for the summer holidays for all children other than school leavers
Leavers Celebration Day: Wednesday 20th July 9am-11 am
Caroline Bickerton Pre-school Manager