Newsletter September 2022
Welcome back to Pre-school after the summer break and a special hello to all our new children and their families.
Focus for this half term: We will be learning all about colours and shapes as we start the new term. We will be using finger paints to make marks with, and we will watch what happens when we mix the colours. We will also make shape collages and use blocks to build with in our new construction area, exploring which shapes fit together and which shapes don’t make good towers! As the term progresses, we will explore all the different colours that the season of autumn brings. I will continue to send the planning out to you all via email, starting from Monday the 12th, and this gives you an outline of the sort of activities your child might take part in during the week. We are aware, however, that young children’s learning is often driven by their own interests, so our plans are always flexible.
Fizzy Totz: Our Fizzy Totz sessions will restart on Wednesday 14th September. If your child is in on a Wednesday morning, can you please ensure they are wearing footwear that is appropriate to run and jump in!
Library books: We will be resuming our book library this term so each week your child will be able to choose a book from our newly stocked library to bring home to share with you. They will also bring home a book log for you to sign and comment in when you have finished the book. There are also happy and sad faces for your child to colour/circle to indicate whether they enjoyed it or not.
Next Steps: In a couple of weeks’ time, when the children have settled into or back into the pre-school routine, I will be sending out letters with a short form asking for your input into their next steps. We like to know what your child is interested in and enjoys at home and if there is anything specific you would like us to help your child with during their time at Pre-school.
Family tree: We are once again renewing our family tree display in Pre-school which has photographs of each child and their families and pets. The children really enjoy looking at this display and finding themselves so if you could all please bring some photographs in? Up to 4 would be fine. It also helps us as we use it to recognise extended family if they collect your child
and seeing the photographs can be comfort if your child is a little unsettled initially.
Weather: If the weather turns cooler and wetter could you all ensure that your child brings a named waterproof coat to Pre-school as we try to play out in all weathers. On the other hand, if the sun decides to shine in September could you then ensure that your child wears sun cream.
Covid: As we asked pre-covid, if your child develops a temperature or a new cough then can you keep them at home for 48 hours in the first instance. This also applies to any children with a sickness bug. Any covid restrictions that we had are now over and parents are welcome back into the setting. However, if your child is used to being dropped off in the cloakroom area it is fine if you continue to do this. When you arrive at the setting could you help your child to hang up their coats and bags on their pegs and put any lunch boxes on the trolley. There will be members of staff both in the cloakroom and classroom area to welcome your child.
Caroline Bickerton Pre-school Manager